Tailwind Dark Mode doesn't Work with CSS Module and @apply
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
webpack: (config) => {
// Find the base rule that contains nested rules (which contains css-loader)
const rules = config.module.rules.find((r) => !!r.oneOf);
// Interate over the found rules
rules.oneOf.forEach((loaders) => {
// Focus on the the loaders that have an array of `use` statements
if (Array.isArray(loaders.use)) {
// Iterate over each of the loaders
loaders.use.forEach((l) => {
// Only focus on loaders that are an object and have a `loader` property set to `css-loader`
if (
typeof l !== 'string' &&
typeof l.loader === 'string' &&
) {
// If there are no module options originally set, skip this loader
if (!l.options.modules) return;
const { getLocalIdent, ...others } = l.options.modules;
// Create a new options object with the `getLocalIdent` property set to a function
l.options = {
modules: {
getLocalIdent: (ctx, localIdentName, localName, options) => {
// If the class name is `dark`, return it instead of hashing it
if (localName === 'dark') return localName;
// Otherwise, call the original function and return the value
return getLocalIdent(ctx, localIdentName, localName, options);
return config;